ELA technology standards were created a gateway for students to be able to navigate programs to prepare them for our new future of technology. I choose second grate ELA technology standards because by second grade children are ready to work on their technology skills and build on them. Second grade ELA standards are using images to describe stories or examples, using text features to easier navigate to specific things, work on group papers, able to describe audio stories, visual display, and gain a stronger vocabulary and comprehension for their readings. Based on my current skill set I absolutely feel as if I am qualified to implement these standards. I have been using technology in the classroom as far back as I could remember. I was fortunate enough to also be properly trained by my past teachers how to operate learning programs and office. For the CPALMS educator tool kit I have selected second grade health education. The resource I c...
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Copyright and fair use are very important concepts that creators deserve to get credit for their work but still provide the ability for their work to be used by other people and still get their acknowledgment. Intellectual properties come in many different forms that the creator then can copyright their work to make it theirs and protect it from being stolen and also profit from people using their work. Fair use is a concept that provides educators to use anything copyrighted for use in the classroom without charge. Dealing with copyright and fair trade from an educational standpoint it is important to understand what is ethical and what is considered illegal. From a teacher’s standpoint developing your own instructional materials you can create your own work and if you incorporate copyright property credit must be shown and show students the importance of giving credit to creators. Students should be aware copyright laws and teachers should make their students cite any copied wo...
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Starting in middle school I joined the academy of finance that was offered at my school. I am glad I joined this program because it taught me how to properly use Microsoft word. Moving onto high school the finance academy required all students to get Microsoft certified. I have always been a fan of Microsoft word because that is what I knew how to operate most efficiently. Other software like google docs is also easy to use but I still have more to learn about it. I prefer Microsoft word because it makes it easier to format, edit, and markup. Where those things are slightly more confusing on other programs. The ISTE standards for educators all seven parts play a huge role into educating students. It is important for educators to be comfortable with these standards to be the best educator they could be. The standard that is most meaningful to me is the citizen standard. The citizen standard is to have students utilize technology in a posit...