Distance learning was challenging to me at first, but I have grown to really enjoy it for particular classes. I really enjoyed that you could do it from the comfort of your own home and it gives you more time to get stuff done. I also like how zoom was easy to operate and communicate with the class. I have done group projects and labs over distance learning, and they were all successful. I do not like how sometimes I get distracted easily and another con for me is I struggled having strong internet connection. As a teacher I would help improve the distance learning experience by making all students interact during online class and create breakout rooms for my students to collaborate. Open educational resources are resources that students and teachers have access to online to improve learning. It is freely accessible to anyone with openly licensed text. OER is beneficial for teachers because they have open access to lessons and modules that will help improve lesson plans....
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I acquired many new skills working on the web design assignment. Some of those skills include learning how to edit a template website, efficiently organize different tabs on a website, and how to publish your very own website. I really enjoyed how we had the freedom of being creative and edit our own website. One thing I did not like was there was a lot of trial and error for me learning how to properly navigate the website. For my future career making and editing a website will be used often since I am perusing marketing. In marketing it is important to make things appealing to the consumers to draw their attention in. https://mshopetucker.weebly.com/about-me.html Working with Diigo I have learned many useful skills. Being able to connect and share ideas is very beneficial for learning new information. This will be useful in my classroom because students will be able to share ideas and highlight important information making it easy to sum up the shared material and h...
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I choose Ms. Youngs second grade class website found of fort schools. Publicly Ms. Young gave access to her daily schedule, calendar, newsletters, and pictures. Ms. Youngs teacher page is a great way to connect the students and their families and also provides a Spanish option. The website is organized great and makes it easy for students and parents to navigate. The layout of the page was very detailed and had great step by step instructions so no on misses an event or homework. https://www.fortschools.org/Page/2344 Technology provides a new innovative way to stay organized and finish responsibilities efficiently. I have always been a big google drive fan and use it almost on a regular basis to stay organized. I would use google drive in my classroom to do group projects, so all the students have access at home to do their portion. I would also have students use Grammarly before turning in papers to double check their papers for possible grammatical errors. As a teacher i...
Blog journal 6
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So far using Diigo I have had a great experience. Diigo is a great way to communicate and share knowledge with your classmates. I really like how you can easily bookmark a website and write summaries. Diigo makes it very easy to read articles you have interest in because you can write notes and annotations. One thing I do not like is the website was confusing as far as making a sticky note. My experience with blogging has honestly inspired me. I have been reading other blogs more frequently and reading about people’s ideas. I never participated in blogging before this course, and it is something I would enjoy doing in the future. I like that blogging creates a community with you and other bloggers and you can share ideas you have and read other people’s perspectives. I don’t like blogging sometimes because I get writers block sometimes because I want to share my ideas the best I can. I have learned that blogging is a great way to share your ideas and I learned how to create my o...
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I have been using twitter for many years and I think I have good experience with tweeting and retweeting. I have been interacting with friends on twitter and I also follow environmental pages. Twitter may be helpful in my future career because I want to go into marketing and social media is a great way to market products or whatever you are trying to promote. Twitter is a great way to express yourself and easily share things that you support or agree with. Digital divide is defined as people who have access to technology and people that do not creating a divide from internet world. The digital divide affects students’ success in schools because students who do have internet access at all times seem to be at an advantage for educational success. The students who have access at home and school get double the experience operating technology and in the long run they will be prepared for college and future jobs. Technology is not going anywhere and is developing greatly every...
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ELA technology standards were created a gateway for students to be able to navigate programs to prepare them for our new future of technology. I choose second grate ELA technology standards because by second grade children are ready to work on their technology skills and build on them. Second grade ELA standards are using images to describe stories or examples, using text features to easier navigate to specific things, work on group papers, able to describe audio stories, visual display, and gain a stronger vocabulary and comprehension for their readings. Based on my current skill set I absolutely feel as if I am qualified to implement these standards. I have been using technology in the classroom as far back as I could remember. I was fortunate enough to also be properly trained by my past teachers how to operate learning programs and office. For the CPALMS educator tool kit I have selected second grade health education. The resource I c...
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Copyright and fair use are very important concepts that creators deserve to get credit for their work but still provide the ability for their work to be used by other people and still get their acknowledgment. Intellectual properties come in many different forms that the creator then can copyright their work to make it theirs and protect it from being stolen and also profit from people using their work. Fair use is a concept that provides educators to use anything copyrighted for use in the classroom without charge. Dealing with copyright and fair trade from an educational standpoint it is important to understand what is ethical and what is considered illegal. From a teacher’s standpoint developing your own instructional materials you can create your own work and if you incorporate copyright property credit must be shown and show students the importance of giving credit to creators. Students should be aware copyright laws and teachers should make their students cite any copied wo...